Details of NBA Schedule Begin to Emerge

Expect NBA news to be coming in hot and heavy like Rosie O’Donnell after a busy day at the buffet. Today we got the first few details of what the schedule will look like.

We already knew that the season would be limited to 66 games. According to reports 48 of those 66 contests will be against conference foes. Do the math and you’ll see that means only 18 games will be against non-conference competition. That means you won’t be able to see the Lake Show take on all comers this season.

Also of note is how many games will be sandwiched in on any given week once the season is officially up and running. Every team will have to endure at least one stretch of three games in as many nights with two extra games a month being wedged in.

This is where teams will feel the affects of the lockout.

The mad dash to save the season has left every NBA franchise scrambling to get their affairs in order. It will also make for some tired teams come playoff time as the schedule makers will also limit the number of days off between games in the first round. Now that is change that is long overdue.

To be fair, if ever there was time to attempt to milk every last moment of the first round of NBA playoffs it would be this year when teams will actually need the rest. However the NBA’s sad attempts to sell ad space in the first round is just embarrassing. There is no reason to rush teams through every round except the first other than the obvious desire to have games on every night.

Perhaps that is one change that will last beyond this shortened season.

Now we’re all just waiting for the official schedule to be released. Until then let’s just get ready for the storm that is brewing.
