Peace Talks: Metta Makes Nice With Mike Brown

Yesterday, Joe McDonnell of FoxSportsWest issued a very explosive report claiming Metta World Peace was unhappy with Mike Brown and that unnamed players were calling for World Peace to be shipped out of Los Angeles.

What a difference a win makes.

Last night Metta and Coach Brown talked out their difference before taking the court and beating the Atlanta Hawks. That game featured some big moments from the man formerly known as Ron Artest including a couple of dunks and a couple of long bombs. Perhaps Metta’s form was a result of him and Coach Brown clearing the air.

One thing Brown wanted to make sure of was that from now on World Peace doesn’t air his dirty laundry to the media. Frustrated with his inconsistent playing time, Metta went on the defensive accusing Brown of being too heavily dependent upon statistics to determine his rotation. Brown shared with the media where he comes out on the whole situation.

"“If I were him, I’d be frustrated. I talked to him about it. I said, ‘Metta, I don’t take anything personally. I’m OK with it. Just be careful what you say to the media in that regard. But if I was a stats guy, Metta, you wouldn’t be playing at all. Because look at your stats offensively, and then Synergy says you’re the 192nd best defensive player in the league.’ “"

World Peace claimed he was never frustrated and instead was just looking for some consistent burn.

"“I was never frustrated. There was no frustration. Just looking for the consistency of whether I was on the bench or whether I was playing, just looking for the consistency. Once you find the consistency you already know where you stand at and you can move forward and win games.”"

Metta might not call it frustration but he sure sounds like someone stuck in a frustrating situation. This entire process has been trying for everyone in the Laker franchise. Coach Brown is trying to simultaneously learn his team on the fly while instituting his system as well. For a franchise that has largely known one voice for the last decade this was always going to be a challenge transitioning to a new coaching staff, doubly so when you factor in the truncated schedule no thanks to the NBA lockout.

As for McDonnell’s report and the supposed ‘unnamed’ player referenced in it. World Peace made it clear where he stands on the issue.

"“It’s not true. That’s lying. That’s a lie report. That’s definitely not true. That’s some people trying to get things going on in L.A., trying to get teammates against each other … I think for people to lie to the public and to the fans is irresponsible.”"
