Magic Johnson Saves Dodgers From McCourt Mess
It took an insane $2-billion to pry the L.A. Dodgers from the greedy grip of Frank McCourt. In the end no price was too steep that the investment group headlined by Laker legend Magic Johnson would have backed down from their plan to save one of the most historic sports franchises in this country.
Yes, L.A. sports fans, it is perfectly within reason to celebrate like you’re a BoSox fan and it’s 2004.
McCourt is dead to us…finally!
The man that used the Dodgers as his personal piggy bank is no more. Sure, McCourt’s slimy mitts are still clinging to a small portion of the franchise but his days of robbing Chavez Ravine to pay his debts are over.
Yes, $2-billion is a hideous price for a sports franchise. No, Magic’s mere presence alone doesn’t guarantee success on the field. There is still plenty of work to be done going forward in order for the Dodgers to get back into the World Series mix. But given Magic’s track record in the business world, his connection to the community and the savvy of those involved in the Dodger takeover it is safe to say we won’t have to worry about any more ugly divorce trials or Russian psychics making six-figures.
What McCourt has done to the Dodgers is a sin in the sporting Bible. Thou shalt not abuse thy power as owner of a historic franchise. If this were the Yankees or Red Sox you’d have seen non-stop coverage on ESPN Ocho of all the glorious mess that was the McCourt era. Instead, Los Angeles was living a very private yet inherently public nightmare.
That nightmare is now over.
Few figures are as beloved in this city as Magic Johnson. His presence in the Dodger family has already taken on an instantaneous calming effect amongst a disenfranchised fan base. There are few things in this life as spiritual as going to a day game at Dodger Stadium. McCourt sullied that experience for many of us. Now it is safe to once again spend your hard earned cash on the boys in blue knowing you’re funding the McCourt lawyer account.
The good times might not be back yet but the worst is behind us.
From all of us here at Lake Show Life and on behalf of all Dodger fans worldwide I’d like to express a heartfelt thank you to Magic Johnson for returning baseball to Los Angeles. Now…what’s up with the NFL?