Paranoid Dwight Howard Thinks Opposition Wants To Hurt Him

Dwight Howard’s level of delusion and self-absorption is reaching new heights with each passing. Thus far his most memorable moments as a Laker include showing a stat sheet to any report in his radius just to prove how few shots he’s getting and sitting silently while Kobe Bryant aired out his grievances with D12.

Almost everything Howard has done on the court has been forgettable as he’s done nothing to quiet much of the talk created by the Dwightmare of 2012.

Now Howard is going one step further in his “the world is out to get me” autobiography claiming players around the league are trying to do further damage to his already torn labrum.

Yahoo! Sports quotes Howard who claims Sunday in Miami and Friday in Charlotte his shoulder was targeted by the opposition.

Whether or not Howard’s words have been taken out of context is debatable. Sometimes all that happens is a question is posed, a player provides an answer and a writer crafts the story. This could very well be the case.

However if Howard somehow expects sympathy or understanding from fans then he’s better off waiting for Santa Claus to deliver him to Brooklyn.

Playing injured is part of the game. Everyone does it or is doing it at this point in the season. Some injuries are obviously greater and more debilitating than others. Yet if Howard is indeed inferring that defenders are trying their best to injure him then he’s mistaken.

Dude is a center playing in the NBA. When you’re as big and physically posing as Howard is then there will always be a rough nature involved with defending said giant among boys. Perhaps Howard, an NBA vet who has been there and done that, is just more sensitive to contact after two years of health concerns. Or maybe he is just as soft and temperamental as he’s being painted these days.

But if Howard knows of an opposing player with some sort of a condition or situation that can be exploited without the use of dirty tactics I’d expect him to do the same as is supposedly being done to him. But that’s just one opinion from a disappointed fan. According to Howard the only opinion that matters is that of a doctor. Maybe if he can sell his injury conspiracy theory then another opinion with great influence will enter this dramatic picture – that of David Stern.
