NBA Trade Rumors: 10 Deadline Deals the Lakers Could Make

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Charlotte also sends their 2nd round pick to the Lakers

If I told you that, as of Saturday night, the Charlotte Bobcats are playoff team, would you believe me? As is, they sit in the 8th seed, a full game and a half ahead of the Detroit Pistons. This is despite Ben Gordon playing of late and an average roster. The Lakers would deliver an immediate upgrade to their roster.

Pairing Al Jefferson and Pau Gasol together instantly gives Charlotte a great post offense. With the 3rd-8th seeds separated by 4 games, it’s not crazy to think that Charlotte could make a push up the weak East and solidify their playoff spot.

For LA, they get a big contract that’s still expiring this off-season in Ben Gordon, as well as the young asset they covet in Cody Zeller. Zeller has struggled this season, but lacks the strength early in his career to be a big-time impact player. Depending on Charlotte and LA’s evaluation of talent, Charlotte could even throw in the rights to Portland’s first-round pick, which will be a low-end first rounder.

CHANCES OF TRADE HAPPENING: 40%. This is another trade that hasn’t been talked about, but makes sense. The problem is, this feels like a consolation prize for the Lakers with the hopes of an Okafor + 1st round pick dangled in front of them earlier this year.