Jeremy Lin: Holding Back His Words

Jeremy Lin is holding back from what he wants to say. He shouldn’t. If he wants to be perceived as a leader, he needs to express what he feels is right for the team. Derek Fisher, El Presidente himself, did that for the Laker team. They succeeded with a multitude of championships.

It wasn’t that Derek Fisher was the best player on the floor. He just had the best character and leadership qualities for the team.

Watching the Lakers express their thoughts through the media is tough to watch.  Kobe admits he may be too aggressive, but directly after the game, Lin can’t find the words to express himself without a potential negative consequence.

Really, it’s clear what is going on in his mind. The thing is, he is of a mold different from Kobe Bryant. He wants to be a better player and make the team better as a unit. That is a natural talent of his.  His success as a player is dependent on how well he makes the team better.

Perhaps, he just needs to realize that if he says what he needs to say, in a private conversation with certain players, he’ll get more respect from the team.

It’s also clear that his confidence is waning. He worked hard all summer. He knows he’s capable of being successful with his playmaking and dribble penetration. However, the last two games, he got picked by Kawhi Leonard twice and Andre Iguodala.

Jeremy Lin needs the ball to be successful.  In an ideal world with two scoring guards, the natural playmaker of the two sets it up for the team.  However, he also need to be the greater aggressor of the two players.  That isn’t the case with the current team.

There is a way to make this work between Lin and Bryant. It’s just taking longer to find it.
