The Los Angeles Lakers have really been struggling this season and to many, it looks like it could be the beginning of the end for this current title window. LeBron James is still playing at a high level but is only going to get older and Anthony Davis cannot stay healthy and on the court.
Plus, the team still has Russell Westbrook on the roster and there is only so much they can do with his horrible fit and massive salary. Westbrook has a $47.1 million player option for the 2022-23 season so unless LeBron can make Space Jam 3 and cast Westbrook with a $50 million salary, chances are he will be back next season.
The Lakers simply are not winning a championship with Westbrook on the roster. LeBron is a free agent after next season and with how chaotic this year has been (and probably next year as well) who knows what he will do. He is most likely going to leave whatever team he is on to go play with his son wherever he ends up; that won’t be until the 2024-25 season.
So maybe LeBron has one more year in LA after his current contract expires. Regardless, the writing is on the wall for him to leave/retire in the coming years and the Lakers do not look primed to give him another title on his way out.
Regardless of when he leaves, LeBron James is still going to leave the Los Angeles Lakers as a mess.
The Los Angeles Lakers already have depleted draft capital and who knows what other future picks they trade to try and shore up the broken pieces that currently exist. With a star in AD that cannot stay on the court, there is a good chance that LeBron James leaves the Lakers in a horrible state when he does eventually leave.
Heck, even if AD is healthy it would not be all that surprising if he takes off as well, especially with the dysfunction of the front office (I would want to leave a team that has Kurt Rambis making decisions).
To hammer home just how ugly it can get, we decided to look back at the three previous rosters that LeBron James left and see just how well they did.