4 Lakers who could be dangled in trades this offseason

Several Lakers players could be used in a package to get a trade done this summer.
Austin Reaves, Los Angeles Lakers
Austin Reaves, Los Angeles Lakers / Sean M. Haffey/GettyImages
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2. Rui Hachimura

Another player that is likely to be dangled in a trade this summer is the talented three-and-D wing that came over from the Washington Wizards a little over a year ago. Rui Hachimura was an excellent get for the Lakers ahead of the 2023 trade deadline, but there is nothing to say he is totally untouchable in their upcoming dealings.

Things are pretty plainly defined when it comes to Rui and what he provides for the Purple and Gold. A versatile player that contributes at both ends, Hachimura is a multi-faceted scorer that is effective at spotting up off the catch, driving and pulling up to shoot from the mid-range, and thrives in pick-and-pop actions as well.

From a defensive standpoint, he has the size and skill to be switchable and often does a good job of defending without fouling. Obviously, all of these traits make him a very attractive trade piece for just about any team. Rui fit like a glove with the Lakers the moment he arrived in Los Angeles, and he can bring similar impact just about anywhere he goes.

Why would the Lakers be willing to part ways with him? Well, it would be for the right price of course. If LA can get back the third star they believe will help them get back to the level of a championship contender, it would be well worth giving up Rui in theory.