Ranking the Los Angeles Lakers' top 6 trade assets for 2024-25

As the Lakers look to extend their championship window, these are the top assets the team has to work with.
Jarred Vanderbilt, LeBron James, Los Angeles Lakers
Jarred Vanderbilt, LeBron James, Los Angeles Lakers / Ronald Martinez/GettyImages
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1. Anthony Davis

It should not be a controversial statement to say that Anthony Davis was the Lakers' best player this past season. Appearing in a career-high 76 out of 82 games, AD's health was a huge high point of LA's campaign, and his production throughout the season was nothing short of fantastic.

Overall, Davis focused on what he is good at and did not distract himself by trying to do too much. Not worrying about shooting too many threes, AD went to work in the paint at both ends and put up a season worthy of a Defensive Player of the Year award. The fact that he was not even named a finalist for the award is frankly a robbery.

The way Davis anchored the Lakers' defense deserves to be recognized, because he transformed what would have been a totally dismal defensive team into a halfway respectable one. With his play over the course of the year, AD showed once again that when he is healthy, he is one of the top players in the association.

There is no debate that Anthony Davis is currently the Lakers' top trade asset. Hypothetically, if the team was for some reason interested in dealing him, they would clearly get more return for him than anyone else on the roster. But if the front office did look into trading AD, it would likely mean that the team would be heading into a rebuild.
