Derek Fisher Drama Comes To Staples


The word drama has become synonymous with the Los Angeles Lakers. That is always true for the purple and gold but this season has seen even more than usual. From the failed Chris Paul trade to the mixed reviews of the Derek Fisher deal, drama is constant for the Lake Show.

Tonight D-Fish makes his return to Staples this time sporting an Oklahoma City Thunder jersey. It has only been a few weeks since the Lakers made the surprising move of trading Fisher but that it’s felt like forever and day what with the constant talk that has followed.

Fisher’s lasting legacy probably meant he should have been given a more appropriate farewell. However is lackluster production more than warranted the need to seek out an upgrade at point guard.

The real issue with Fisher’s abrupt departure relates more to his locker room leadership. While the Thunder needs help at point guard depth it is Fisher’s experience that has made him most valuable to OKC.

As for the Lakers, their offense improved seemingly overnight once Fisher split and Ramon Sessions arrived. There is no denying his impact as a Laker. As for what Fisher brings to the Thunder that will have to wait until the playoffs roll around to be seen. Playing sparingly as a reserve, it isn’t likely you’ll see Fisher put any noteworthy numbers. But if the game is close and he’s on the floor you’d better believe his impact could be of the most dramatic variety.

Fisher drama aside, Mike Brown’s benching of Kobe Bryant and Andrew Bynum on separate occasions has been the most recent Lake Show drama of note. So seeing Fisher come to town out for revenge only adds to the dramatic fire that rages.