"“It’s hard to win when it’s five against eight.”"
The above statement will cost Andrew Bynum $25,000 as the league took offense to his implications that the officials in Dallas were biased in their whistle blowing tactics.
For a dude making $12.5-million this season, 25k is a drop in the bucket. For a young center struggling to earn the respect of NBA officials, it is a reminder of just how much further he has to go. Bynum’s inconsistencies can be linked to a litany of issues including injuries, his attitude and foul trouble. Of the latter, criticizing the refs will only add to his frustration.
Like it or not, basketball officiating is extremely subjective and some calls must be earned. This is all part of the maturing process for Drew. Hopefully next time he’ll think before he speaks. David Stern is omniscient after all. He hears and sees everything that happens in his league. Well, except crooked refs manipulating games to cover point spreads in Vegas. Yeah, other than that nothing escapes Stern’s ever watchful eye.