Despite the NBA lockout the players are still doing their part to preserve the goodwill of the NBA. Today Derek Fisher helped to distribute more than 1,000 turkeys to needy families right here in Los Angeles. The event was part of a nationwide effort on behalf of the players association to help spread a little holiday cheer.
That the players continue in their charitable and, at times, league mandated efforts shows there is more being lost in the lockout out than just hoops. Never forget that NBA franchises are integral parts of their respective communities.
So often we hear the pleas of the players and owners alike expressing their regret in letting the fans down during this tumultuous time. While that kind of talk is usually just lip service the true victims are those that rely on the league for work.
No doubt some of those families Fisher helped to feed today were affected by the lockout in some way from a financial standpoint.
Now, this is not meant to turn the charitable acts of the PA into some sort of lockout propaganda. It is just a reminder of how important it is for this labor issue to be resolved.
Basketball is game that has gained in popularity across the world over the years. While business of the sport is in the forefront never forget that the future of the game is in the hands of the youth.
Today there is some child here in L.A. that will be able to enjoy a proper Thanksgiving with their family because of Fisher and his fellow players that participated in the event. There is also some other youth in another part of the world that has caught wind of this and perhaps feels connected to his favorite player in some way.
These are the moments that make the NBA and its players real and tangible. These are the moments that inspire. This is the very reason why the lockout is such a selfish act.
There is much more at stake than a season. There is a much bigger picture to be seen if the owners would step back and take a good look.
Thankfully we’re just talking about sports. Still, there is something to be said for the great influence leagues like the NBA have. Influence that is facilitated by the owners yet is ultimately delivered by the players.