If the NBA Players Association were Voltron then Derek Fisher would be the head…or something like that. The point of that anime analogy was to illustrate that the NBAPA is reforming.
Having gained the necessary amount of player signatures, the union that was no more over a week ago is back again.
What that means is the newly reformed union will be able to vote on the new CBA whenever the language of that deal has been finalized.
I’ll admit that I thought the disbanding of the union as a sure sign of the hoops apocalypse. Turns out Billy Hunter and D-Fish knew what they were doing. Bad call on my part. By decertifying the players were able to light a fire under the owners to get back to the negotiating table and hammer out a deal.
No matter the tactics all that matters are the results. So long as there are no more power plays made in the next week we should have hoops back in time for Christmas.