Andrew Bynum’s Maturity Worse Than His Shot Selection
Kobe Bryant knows he won’t be around forever. He’ll likely remain a Laker for life but his playing days are numbered meaning at some point he’s going to have to pass the torch. We didn’t need to see Andrew Bynum’s ill-advised three-point attempt to know that trusting Baby Bynum with the keys to the franchise is as shaky a proposition as giving Dennis Rodman an invite to an event with an open bar.
Baby Bynum is still alive and well, an infant trapped inside the body of a seven-foot millionaire that comes out to play at the worst times possible. We’ve seen plenty of head scratching moments from hoops most immature force. There have been the ugly incidents on the court such as Gerald Wallace’s collapsed lung and the shirtless exit from the playoffs. There have been moments off the court that make you wonder if there’s an adult somewhere inside of that massive frame. Who now can overlook Bynum’s parking preferences?
All that being considered, what Baby Bynum did last night might be the most inexcusable offense yet. Taking the three was one thing. It was Drew’s complete lack of respect for his coaches and teammates in comments made after the game that are most damaging.
If Bynum fashions himself as some Kevin Love big man-turned-shooter from distance then he’s more foolish than he’s letting on.
Is Bynum that selfish, that ignorant or is he truly this clueless?
He’s made one All-Star game and all of sudden Bynum thinks he’s got the carte blanche to do whatever he wants? What’s going to happen if this kid ever wins an MVP?
The sense of entitlement Bynum wields is disturbing. In the grand scheme he’s accomplished nothing. He owns two rings yet has only a minority share in the two teams that won those titles. He’s had stretches of dominant play but has yet to put together a dominant season. He’s long on confidence yet short on competence.
Baby Bynum is a problem. His game is sick but his attitude sickening. Bynum’s actions disrespect everything the L.A. Lakers stand for. His ugly exit from the playoffs shamed a classy franchise. Now his dismissive nature threatens to embarrass an entire organization.
Whatever it is Drew found so amusing about treating an NBA game like a pickup game is also an insult to the league. He mocks his teammates, his coaches, the opposition and the game itself yet somehow thinks the joke is on everyone else. Nobody is laughing except you, Baby Bynum. Enjoy your fleeting fame because once it’s gone this is all you might be remembered for unless something changes soon.