ESPN Analyst Richard Jefferson, former Cleveland Cavalier, and Caron Butler spoke with Mike Greenberg on Get Up and talked free agents. Jefferson has his opinion.
Free agency talk involving the Los Angeles Lakers and the rest of the NBA is already heating up.
Caron Butler started the discussion of free agency on ESPN’s Get Up with talk of Kevin Durant‘s destination. That KD will end up with the Brooklyn Nets or the Los Angeles Clippers because he fits like a glove in those organizations if he does not return to the Golden State Warriors.
Butler also thinks Klay Thompson will continue to play in The Bay and will remain with the Golden State Warriors because the Splash Brothers belong together. Host Mike Greenberg (Greeny) said a lot of people feel he would be the perfect teammate for the Lakers star LeBron James.
Butler believes, even though Kawhi Leonard was rumored to have recently purchased property in Toronto, Canada, that he will not come to the Lakers but will end up on the Clippers if he doesn’t stay with the Raptors. So that would mean that he thinks KD and Leonard could be playing on the Clippers.
Butler also believes that Kyrie Irving will end up on the Brooklyn Nets or the Los Angeles Clippers. So now we have three possible stars Butler thinks could land in Los Angeles, but not on the Lakers. Caron Butler played for the Lakers from 2004-2005.
Richard Jefferson chimed in on Kyrie Irving and said the following, “See you (Greeny), think he’s going to go to LA. I think their relationship is probably as good right now as it has been since Kyrie left. But when you get to a spot where it’s just kind of like an ex-relationship. ‘We’re good right now, we are in a good place. Does that mean we want to get back together?’ No! Right? And I think that’s where they are, they are in a good relationship right now, but them getting back together might not be the best idea.”
Greeny thinks LeBron James and Irving need to be “Friends with benefits.” Not exes. That they will get back together on the Lakers, that they will have a legitimate chance to get an NBA Championship.
The reasons he gave are because the Lakers don’t have to trade anyone with a good young core. He feels they are much better together than apart. Butler disagreed because he thinks that “tandem” would have worked in the Eastern Conference, or “LeBron James Invitational” but not the Western Conference.
They all agree that the Clippers have the best chance at getting better and Greeny continued to bash the Lakers and talk about the Knicks fans feeling like they are getting huge names in New York.
Richard Jefferson has made the swiftest, easiest transition from LeBron James teammate and fellow NBA Champion to ESPN Basketball Analyst. He has announced Pac-12 Basketball games, he is now the host of a Road Trippin’ which started as a podcast, and he is also an NBA Analyst for ESPN. He knows the relationship between Kawhi and LeBron, he has a point, and fans should probably listen to Jefferson who has a unique perspective.