Los Angeles Lakers: Ranking the four best teams to watch on Lakers off days

(Photo by Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE via Getty Images)
(Photo by Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE via Getty Images) /
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Los Angeles Lakers
(Photo by Dennis Jerome Acosta/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images) /

4. The Houston Rockets

Over the last few seasons, the James Harden led Rockets have been one of the worst teams to watch in the NBA. In fact, for many people, viewing a Houston Rockets game was a form of basketball torture.

Every play was the same:

  • Step one: Give the ball to James Harden (or occasionally Chris Paul).
  • Step two: He dribbles the ball for a long time.
  • Step three: He tries to draw a foul, if he can’t get contact, then “The Beard” either shoots or he passes to a teammate standing behind the arc.

Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat. Yawn, fall asleep and check the score an hour later.

This year’s going to be different though because the Rockets traded Chris Paul for Russell Westbrook.

Harden and Westbrook both play point guard, and they both need the ball in their hands to be successful.

Last season Westbrook was second in the league in number of touches per game at 91.2, while Harden was fourth in the NBA at 87.2.

The problem for Westbrook is that James Harden is better in every facet of the game than him.

The problem for Harden is that Westbrook is the most arrogant player in the NBA, and he genuinely thinks he’s better than “The Beard.”

It’s going to be fascinating to see what happens next season. James Harden is still going to get his touches, which means Westbrook’s going to have the ball in his hands WAY less than he has in the past.

James Harden’s not going to be able to pass the ball to Westbrook for open looks behind the arc, because Russell shot less than 30% from deep last season.

Next season Westbrook’s going to be relegated to standing around and doing nothing on offense when he shares the floor with Harden.

What will Westbrook and his giant ego do? Will he implode towards the middle of the season? Will he punch James Harden in the jaw during a game? Anything could happen.

It’ll be riveting to see how things play out next season in Houston.