All-Star Status For Kobe Bryant, Andrew Bynum

The city of Los Angeles has made an official All-Star takeover. Today the starting five was announced for each conference. Let’s just say the Western Conference has a true West Coast flavor. Of the five starters for the West four play in the City of Angels.

Kobe Bryant and Andrew Bynum are signifying the purple and gold while Chris Paul and Blake Griffin rep that other team in Los Angeles.

For Kobe this will be his 14th trip to the All-Star game. For Bynum this marks his first and also sees one of his goals accomplished for the season. Drew has made it no secret that being an All-Star was something he was striving for. The next closest center to Bynum in the Western Conference was none other than DeAndre Jordan – another L.A. hoopster.

Like I said L.A. has a strangle hold on the hoops world these days.

There is still a chance we could see Pau Gasol added to the reserves but I’d say that is a long shot. This season will be remembered as the transition to Bynum. Drew’s aggressive play has pushed his stats to career best levels. Meanwhile Pau is seeing his stats sink to new lows.

You do the math on that.

It doesn’t take an Ivy League math major to know the Clippers and Lakers are two of the biggest traveling shows in all of hoops. By the fans voting CP3, Blake Show, KB24 and Young Drew as starters it shows the high profile L.A. hoops has in the basketball universe. Gotta think that was part of the David Stern master plan when he hated on the Lakers and rewarded the Clippers.
