The Lakers introduced their three latest additions by way of free agency and/or offseason trade Wednesday afternoon. Roy Hibbert, Lou Williams and Brandon Bass each spoke about embracing change about how excited they are for the upcoming season(s) in Los Angeles.
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Because they simply cannot help themselves, the LA media had to ask about Kobe Bryant. The response was glorious:
Hibbert, Williams and Bass have not heard or touched base with Kobe
— Mark Medina (@MarkG_Medina) July 22, 2015
Medina’s tweet doesn’t fully encapsulate the moment. When the Kobe question was asked, the three guys leaned back from their microphones and looked into the crowd like: “Cool, it’s already starting.”
STOP THE PRESSES. KOBE HATES THIS OFFSEASON. THE MAMBA MIGHT STRIKE WITH VENGEANCE AND CONTEMPT. It’s not even within the realm of possibility Kobe might just be busy enjoying his offseason and looks forward to speaking to these guys eventually. Nope, that doesn’t generate clicks.
I mean, honestly, someone please explain to me the need to involve Kobe in every single minutia of anything Lakers. Are we so desperate for clicks that any press conference is wasted without mention of a dude who’s about to retire at the end of the season anyway? And yet those same people who claim others around the league don’t want to play with Bryant are the ones who make it a point to ask the same nauseating questions to anyone indirectly linked to the Lakers.
The post-Kobe Bryant Lakers must feel like some kind of post-apocalyptic world given their desperate attempts to squeeze every last click from Bryant before he calls it a career. Move on, people.