Los Angeles Lakers front office needs more punch

(Photo by Scott Varley/Digital First Media/Torrance Daily Breeze via Getty Images)
(Photo by Scott Varley/Digital First Media/Torrance Daily Breeze via Getty Images)

The Los Angeles Lakers front office needs a little punch to get them back on track.

The Los Angeles Lakers have taken an odd route to fill out positions of power this offseason. I have been doing my best to keep my mouth shut and not say much about this, but with the reality on top of us that Jeannie Buss is not going to hire anybody to replace Magic Johnson, or at least not at this time, I gotta speak up.

After all, I am here to offer an opinion from the standpoint of a lifelong die-hard fan. And that opinion, a very valid one I might point out, is that this is a mistake.

Yes, I understand that maybe after the failure of both her brother Jim and her good friend Magic Johnson that she might be a bit shell shocked and want to be making the big decisions herself. I get that. Hey, maybe she is right and she can.

But, at this point anyway, there is no way for any of us to know that, one way or the other. And, at this point anyway, this is not the time to be taking that chance when this is possibly the most important summer coming up in many many years for the Lakers and we need as strong a front office as is possible. It’s not that she can’t afford it, Magic just left ten million on the table and that ought to be enough.

So, here is my case for changing her mind. The main reason would be that the fan base is in agony and wants some sort of hope that things are going to turn around and turn around fast, for our team.

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More and more people are calling for her to sell the team before it’s gone totally down the tubes. I see no “In Jeanie we trust” billboards popping up or in the many comments sections these days. The fans are in shock and dismay, hungry for any shred of news that might bring light and joy back to Lakerland.

Yes, getting lucky in the draft order was a nice boost and we all went “yippee!” But, we want more, much more.

The perception is that Rob Pelinka is not the guy to get the job done, that he is so disliked around the league that people either won’t return his calls or they just don’t want to deal with him. How true that perception is, depends on who is telling the story, yet I can’t really think of anything I have heard or read that disputes that a whole lot.

I mean, is anybody out there claiming he is beloved and respected and that any of the other GM’s are just waiting for his call so they can knock out a deal? And folks, we need to be seriously knocking out some deals coming up real soon.

Now, let me be clear. Maybe the majority of people could be wrong about Rob and that would be wonderful. We want to know we are in good hands. And there is the problem, we want to know we are in good hands, period.

As of right now, most of us are under the impression that we are not, and in fact are in just the opposite kind. It would go a long way to win us back if she lightened up and brought in a wise and sage basketball guru to help right the ship. Someone with some solid respect (R E S PECT..sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me).

What would it hurt? She is still the owner and ultimate boss. This is the Lakers here we are talking about. I think that we all would be fine and dandy with the outcome that she proves us wrong and we have the kind of offseason we are hoping for, to open the season with a team that can actually win a championship.

That was the plan and anything less is not what we are hoping for. I would be jumping for joy to be the first to admit I was totally wrong. But at this moment, it’s my purple and gold opinion that we need another gun in the front office. A big powerful one, like a bazooka or anti-aircraft gun, freaking missile launcher. Come on Jeannie, just do it. Do it, do it, do it.